UX Design Conference Events in Asia (Updated: 2024)

UX Design Conference Events in Asia (Updated: 2024)

Every year, we send our team to participate in UX Design conferences around Asia to learn and share their learnings. We even invited our clients to join some of the conferences too, and that has helped a lot for further collaborations.

No matter if you are a UX practitioner, beginner, or a corporate executive who wishes to learn more on how UX can help your business, it is a no-brainer to attend a UX conference to meet with experts, practitioners and like-minded individuals.

There is quite a number of UX conferences in U.S. and Europe, and a growing number in Asia.

Here we list down few quality UX Design conferences in Asia, as well as sharing some of our past learning.

UX Design Conferences in Asia Pacific (Updated For 2024)


30-31 January 2024: UX360 (Virtual), from USD 199

19-20 February 2024: STRAT APAC 2024 (Virtual or Offline at Bangkok), from USD 250

20-22 February 2024: AXE-CON (Virtual)

15-17 March 2024: UX Days Tokyo 2024 (Offline at Tokyo), from JPY 43,800

16-17 March 2024: UX Thailand 2024 (Virtual), from THB 2,190

23-24 March 2024: UX Thailand 2024 (Offline at Thailand), from THB 3,590

9 June 2024: UX+ Conference 2024 (Offline at Philippines), from PHP 2,200

14-21 July 2024: IXDC 2024 (Offline at Beijing), from RMB 1,500

13-15 August 2024: UXDX APAC 2024 (Virtual)

27-30 August 2024: UX Australia 2024 (Virtual or Offline at Melbourne), from AUD 795


15-17 February 2023: UX New Zealand 2023 (Virtual or Offline at Wellington), from $190

14-16 March 2023: UX Australia – Design Research 2023 (Virtual or Offline at Melbourne), from $345

27-31 March 2023: Intelligent User Interfaces IUI 2023 (Offline at Sydney), from $400

31 March – 2 April 2023: UX DAYS TOKYO (Offline at Tokyo), from 82,500 YEN

20-21 April 2023: UX STRAT APAC (Offline at Bangkok), from USD595

22-26 May 2023: UXistanbul 2023 (Virtual), from 49 EUR

02-06 August 2023: IxDC 2023 (Offline at Beijing), from 4000 RMB

10 August 2023: Design MegaMeetup – UX Australia 2023 (Virtual & Offline at Sydney)

22-25 August 2023: UX Australia (Virtual & Offline at Sydney), from $750

6 – 7 September 2023: UX Design Summit 2023 (Virtual) from USD299

17 September 2023: UX+ Conference 2023 (Offline at Philippines), from USD87

19 September 2023: Disco Conf 2023 (Virtual)

29 October 2023: UXPH x ADPList Meetup (Offline at Philippines)

18 November 2023: CHIuXiD 2023 (Virtual or Offline at Indonesia), from USD450

21-24 December 2023: IxDC 2023 (Offline at Guangzhou), from 5000 RMB

UX Competitions/UX Awards

November 2023: Interaction Award 2023

December 2023: UX Design Awards


Past UX Design Conferences in Asia

Note: Over the years, we have been sponsoring for UX Design conferences in South East Asia region like UX STRATUXSG, UXMY and more. We’re thankful for the opportunities to contribute to the UX design community through sponsorship, partnership, as well as sharing our experience through talks, training, and blogging.

Some of Our Past Learning & Sharing:

Our team also mentored and shared their UX knowledge via talks and training in conferences.

Below are some of the slides we prepared for our previous sharing session:

Are UX Designers in Demand in 2024? 

Yes, UX designers are in demand. In fact, many organizations have been hiring UX designers and are looking to hire more UX designers in the coming years.

One reason UX designers are now so in demand is because of their involvement in the development, design, research, and testing of a particular project. This makes hiring UX designers a top priority when it comes to tech positions.

How do I Become a UX Designer in 2024? 

Here are some steps you can take if you want to pursue a UX career:

  1. Start from the beginning. Learn about UX by reading up on it.
  2. Learn UX key principles.
  3. Learn UX key design methods as well as processes.
  4. Take up a UX course so that there is a structure to your study.
  5. Apply your UX knowledge to real-world projects.
  6. Get familiar with tools of the trade.
  7. Start building your portfolio
  8. Network with established and aspiring designers. Conferences are a great way to meet people from the same industry.



How Healthcare UX Design Can Help Save Lives

How Healthcare UX Design Can Help Save Lives

Every touchpoint of a user contributes to the overall user experience (UX). In essence, the concept of UX transcends every sector that engages with users— even the healthcare industry.

With the proliferation of digital transformation in healthcare, positive user experience has become more paramount than ever. Especially with the increased adoption of telehealth and remote diagnostic solutions by medical practitioners.

As the healthcare industry enters a phase of more remarkable modernisation with new technological advancements, UX will play a more critical role in facilitating digital health.

This article aims to dig into the future of healthcare UX design and explore the importance of UX in healthcare.

Consequently, our hope is that the information herein paints a clear picture of where UX in healthcare is headed and its possibilities. So, without further ado, let’s delve in!

What is UX design?

User experience (UX) fundamentally refers to a user’s methodical journey when interfacing with a service or product.

As such, UX design is essentially the systematic process of building products or services that deliver positive and meaningful experiences to users across branding, usability, and function.

In contrast to UI design, UX design focuses on enhancing all the nuances of the user journey when interacting with a product or service.

Principally, the fundamental premise of UX is to leave the user feeling fulfilled— whether the interaction fully solves their problem or not.

Overall, a good UX design should deliver an experience that empowers a user to execute their goal in a safer, more efficient and less error-prone way.

What is UX design in healthcare?

The healthcare domain is facing numerous systemic challenges and the demand for innovation has never been greater.

For context, the global population is ageing, leading to an increase in chronic diseases and complex health conditions. Relatedly, healthcare costs continue to rise, driven by factors like expensive medical treatments, advanced technologies, and administrative overheads.

In response to these systemic challenges, healthcare innovation is necessary to appreciably enhance patient care and reduce hospital costs.

Currently, this line of innovation is primarily being geared towards data analytics, artificial intelligence, and telemedicine disciplines as hospitals are seeking ways to digitise medical services.

However, while functionality is receiving most of the attention, the importance of a user experience design cannot be underestimated.

In the context of healthcare, UX design alludes to the design of health products and services with the aim of delivering fulfilling experiences to users. These products and services may include disease management apps, electronic health records (EHR) systems, or even doctor appointment scheduling apps.

At its very core, UX/UI design in healthcare is similar to UX/UI design in other industries. In practice, it principally aims to generate value for users whilst fostering strong user engagement and retention.

All things considered, UX within the health industry will play a unique role in the future of healthcare by improving the usability and accessibility of medical devices for consumers and care facilities.

Furthermore, as telemedicine becomes more prevalent, healthcare UX will be more significant in delivering equitable and accessible treatment globally.

For example, by applying UX principles, designers can build culturally sensitive healthcare platforms that respect the diverse cultural norms of different societies. UX designers can ensure that the imagery used in the applications is inclusive and does not perpetuate stereotypes or cultural biases.

Role of Empathy and user-centred Approach in designing for Healthcare

Unfortunately, the majority of limitations with existing digital health systems revolve around usability as many users face challenges accomplishing their intended tasks.

For example, due to their complicated interfaces, most electronic medical record (EMR) systems are typically difficult to use. Therefore, dictating multiple training sessions.

As digital healthcare continually expands, designers have more of a responsibility to design easy-to-use, and transparent healthcare systems via empathy and user-centred approaches.

challenges of patients, healthcare providers, and caregivers.

These involve working iteratively and collaboratively with stakeholders to co-create solutions that meet their exact needs. This may help lead to improved patient experience and reduced uncertainty whilst lowering the risk of errors and complications.

Overall, using empathy and user-centred design approaches can help deliver an effective UX design that equips patients to make more informed decisions.

By directly involving members of different healthcare communities in the design process, UX designers can gain valuable insights and create unique solutions that meet their specific needs.

Why is UX design important for the healthcare sector?

UX design is vital in the healthcare domain for various reasons beyond error prevention and avoiding litigation. However, good user experiences don’t just happen, they are intentionally designed. Consequently, a good UX design can translate into the following benefits within the healthcare domain.

1. Enhancing patient safety

Insulin-dependent diabetic patients must continually monitor their glucose levels several times a day in order to adjust their insulin shots accordingly. To measure their blood glucose levels, they typically use a glucometer.

If a glucometer’s user interface presents a usability challenge, it could lead to medication errors for the patient.

For example, if a decimal point is not readily deducible, patients with visual impairments might adjust their insulin doses incorrectly. This may lead to a catastrophic patient outcome— resulting in anything from severe hypoglycaemia to diabetic coma, or even death. As such, UX is key to reducing medical errors and preventing patient harm.

2. Streamlining healthcare processes

The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the need for scalable healthcare processes and solutions in crisis situations.

Organisations with optimised clinical workflows typically achieve better bed utilisation, streamlined communications, efficient clinician scheduling, lower sepsis infection, smoother patient journeys, and higher resource efficiencies.

UX design exercises and research can help streamline the workflows that occupy the most time and hospital resources by automating administrative processes, and alleviating clinician and staff burdens. Thereby leading to better hospital efficiencies and productivity.

3. Fostering patient engagement and compliance

Empowering patients to actively engage in their healthcare decisions and management typically leads to better outcomes.

Since facilitating patient engagement is a crucial component of healthcare innovation, UX design can help hospitals foster patient engagement and a sense of ownership and involvement in their healthcare.

For example, medical apps that allow easy access to information, appointment scheduling, automated reminders for medicine taking and management of treatment plans may lead to better adherence to prescribed treatments.

Or even better follow-up appointment attendance and effective management of chronic conditions.

Similarly, gamified medical apps with rewards and badges can provide more engaging experiences that motivate patients to track health metrics and achieve wellness goals. This can potentially help to encourage patients to practise prevention through graduate lifestyle changes.

4. Addressing healthcare disparities

Unfortunately, disparities in healthcare access exist among disparate populations. Fortunately, technological advancements may provide a way to bridge these inequalities to ensure that all people receive equitable healthcare.

However, the integration of these technologies into existing systems and workflows dictates a deep understanding of the diverse needs of users.

As such, UX design exercises can help foster inclusivity by identifying barriers faced by marginalised communities, like the disabled and the elderly.

By understanding the challenges of the underserved, UX designers can create innovative healthcare solutions with multilingual support, voice commands readable fonts, and even appropriate colour contrasts for those with visual impairments.

Conclusion: The future of healthcare UX design

Healthcare’s future will manifest many exciting new opportunities and UX trends that will reformulate what healthcare means. For example, virtual reality is currently being employed by some surgeons to simulate operations.

Similarly, artificial intelligence (AI) is going to play an indispensable role in the advancement of healthcare— especially in the realm of disease prediction.

AI may help caregivers identify patients at high risk of developing chronic conditions in order to provide tailored early interventions. These interventions will be based on an individual’s data, including genetic, history, wearable device data, and even biomarker and phenotypic characteristics.

Contact-free voice user interfaces (VUI) and operations are also increasing in adoption in healthcare.

VUIs serve to improve patient safety and streamline workflows, without sacrificing the quality of service. For example, VUIs are being employed to prompt patients to schedule appointments or prepare for surgical procedures.
Relatedly, VUIs are being exploited to streamline caregiver workflows. Thereby, allowing them to spend less time tethered to workstations whilst giving them freedom to interact more with patients.

By the same token, chatbots are being employed to handle some administrative tasks typically performed by caregivers. For example, helping patients book appointments, sending appointment reminders, collecting feedback, and checking on health status. This lifted burden consequently frees them up to directly attend to patients.

All things considered, healthcare UX design has the potential to enhance people’s everyday lives, increase the efficiency of service delivery and significantly impact patient outcomes and quality of care.

A good UX design can appreciably enhance health apps’ usability, accessibility, and functionality. Thereby, making it much easier for patients to access the treatments they require promptly.

Furthermore, by wholly adopting an inclusive UX design approach, designers of healthcare platforms can break down barriers and improve healthcare accessibility for all individuals. All whilst designing with cultural sensitivity, and empathy in mind to empower patients and foster health equity.

Working with a professional UI/UX design agency can help ensure that your healthcare projects are designed to meet these high standards and deliver exceptional user experiences.

Reach out to us at Netizen for more information on utilising UX design for your next healthcare project

Why Are Open-Ended Questions Important In Qualitative Research?

Why Are Open-Ended Questions Important In Qualitative Research?

Qualitative research is crucial in understanding the complexities of human behaviour, experiences, and perspectives.

It allows researchers to explore the richness and depth of individuals’ thoughts, feelings, decision making process and motivations.

One of the critical tools in qualitative research is the use of open-ended questions. Open-ended questions invite respondents to provide detailed and personalised responses—allowing for a more nuanced understanding of the topic at hand.

This article aims to explore the importance of open-ended questions in qualitative research and share some actionable tips for crafting practical questions. So, let’s dig in!

What is qualitative research?

Before delving into the significance of open-ended questions, let’s first understand what qualitative research entails.

Qualitative research is an exploratory approach that aims to understand the meaning and interpretation individuals attach to their experiences.

Unlike quantitative research, which focuses on numerical data and statistical analysis, qualitative research emphasises in capturing the richness and depth of human experiences through methods like interviews, think aloud usability test, focus groups, and observations.

Objectives of qualitative research in usability testing

In the context of usability testing, qualitative research helps uncover users’ thoughts, emotions, and attitudes towards a product or service.

Fundamentally, it provides valuable insights into user behaviour, preferences, pain points, and areas for improvement.

By leveraging open-ended questions, researchers can uncover the underlying reasons behind users’ actions and gain a deeper understanding of their needs and expectations.

Differences between qualitative and quantitative research methods

Qualitative and quantitative research methods typically differ in their approaches, data collection techniques, and analysis.

For context, quantitative research focuses on numerical data, statistical analysis, and generalizability, while qualitative research seeks to explore and understand specific contexts, meanings, and interpretations.

Furthermore, qualitative research is more subjective, allowing for greater depth and richness of data, while quantitative research prioritises objectivity and generalizability.

What are open-ended questions?

Open-ended questions are questions that don’t have predefined or limited answer options. They encourage respondents to provide detailed and personalised responses, allowing them to express their thoughts, feelings, and experiences in their own words.

Unlike closed-ended questions, which may be answered with a simple “yes” or “no” or by selecting from a list of options, open-ended questions invite respondents to provide more elaborate and nuanced responses.

Characteristics of open-ended questions

Open-ended questions are characterised by several key elements that distinguish them from closed-ended questions, namely:

  • Freedom of response: Respondents can express themselves freely with open-ended questions because there are no predetermined answer options.
  • Richness of information: Open-ended questions encourage respondents to provide detailed and in-depth responses, providing researchers with a wealth of information.
  • Flexibility: Open-ended questions give respondents the flexibility to respond in a way that makes sense to them, allowing for diverse perspectives and insights.
  • Exploration of complexity: These questions help explore complex phenomena, opinions, and experiences that cannot be easily captured by closed-ended questions.

Importance of open-ended questions in qualitative research

Open-ended questions play a vital role in qualitative research for several reasons, namely:

Encouraging detailed responses

Open-ended questions enable respondents to provide more detailed and nuanced responses. By avoiding predetermined options, researchers can capture the richness and complexity of individuals’ thoughts, feelings, and experiences.

This depth of information is invaluable in gaining a comprehensive understanding of the research topic.

Facilitating a deeper understanding

Open-ended questions provide researchers with a better understanding of participants’ perspectives, beliefs, attitudes, and experiences.

By allowing individuals to express themselves freely, researchers can gain insights into the underlying reasons behind their actions and decision-making processes.

This deeper understanding is crucial for uncovering the underlying motivations and meanings that drive human behaviour.

Flexibility and adaptability

Open-ended questions offer flexibility and adaptability in qualitative research. They give participants a platform to present fresh themes, concepts, and viewpoints that the researcher might not have anticipated.

This flexibility allows for the emergence of unexpected insights and encourages a more exploratory and dynamic research process.

Tips for crafting effective open-ended questions

Open-ended questions, designed to elicit rich and authentic responses, are essential tools for researchers seeking to unravel the depth of participant perspectives.

Here are some actionable tips to help you master the art of crafting effective, open-ended questions:

1. Align questions with objectives

Before penning down your open-ended questions, it’s crucial to align them with the overarching objectives of your research. Clear alignment ensures that each question serves a purpose in contributing to the depth and breadth of your study.

For example, if your objective is to understand user satisfaction with a new software interface, frame questions that specifically address different aspects of the UX design, such as navigation, font readability, and functionality.

2. Clarity and comprehension

Ambiguity in questions can hinder the quality of responses. Participants should easily comprehend the intent of each question, allowing them to provide insightful and relevant answers.

Always ensure that your questions are clear, concise, and free of jargon. Test your questions beforehand on a diverse audience to identify any potential confusion and refine them accordingly.

3. Maintain neutrality

A neutral tone in your questions is essential to minimise bias. Participants should feel free to express their genuine opinions without worrying about the researcher’s judgment.

Avoid injecting personal opinions, judgements, or assumptions into your questions. Instead, present inquiries in an objective and non-directive manner to foster an open and honest exchange.

4. Encourage openness

Creating an environment that encourages participants to open up is vital for qualitative research. Open-ended questions should invite participants to share their thoughts and experiences freely.

Begin questions with phrases that signal openness, such as “Tell me about…” or “Describe your experience with…” Such prompts set the stage for participants to share their perspectives openly.

5. Use probing questions

While open-ended questions provide an initial exploration, supplementing them with probing questions allows researchers to delve deeper into specific aspects.

Probing questions guide participants to elaborate on their initial responses.

After receiving an open-ended response, follow up with probing questions that seek clarification, ask for examples, or explore the participant’s feelings in more detail.

This layered approach enriches the data collected.

6. Frame questions that encourage respondents to share stories

Human experiences are often best expressed through stories. Crafting questions that invite participants to share narratives can provide a deeper understanding of their perspectives.

Furthermore, always ask questions that prompt participants to recount specific experiences or share anecdotes related to the topic. Remember, stories add context, emotion, and a human touch to the research data.

All things considered, the effectiveness of open-ended questions lies not only in their form but in the thoughtful application of these tips.

Common mistakes to avoid with open-ended questions

Pitfalls lurk along this path of crafting and using open-ended questions. It is important to be mindful of the common mistakes to ensure the authenticity and reliability of the data collected.

Let’s explore these potential pitfalls and learn how to navigate around them, shall we?

1. Leading questions

Leading questions subtly guide participants toward a particular response, often unintentionally injecting the researcher’s bias into the inquiry.

These questions can steer participants away from expressing their genuine thoughts and experiences.

Craft open-ended questions with a neutral tone, avoiding any language that may suggest a preferred answer. By maintaining objectivity, researchers create a safe space for participants to share their perspectives without feeling influenced.

Example of a Leading Question:

Leading: “Don’t you think the new feature significantly improved your user experience?”

Revised: “How has the new feature impacted your user experience?”

2. Double-barreled questions

Double-barreled questions address more than one issue in a single inquiry, potentially causing confusion for participants. This can lead to ambiguous or unreliable responses as participants may not clearly distinguish between the two issues presented.

Always break down complex inquiries into single-issue questions, as this not only enhances clarity but also allows participants to provide specific and focused responses to each component of the question.

Example of a Double-Barreled Question:

Double-barreled: “How satisfied are you with the product’s functionality and design?”

Revised: “How satisfied are you with the product’s functionality? How about its design?”

3. Overly complex questions

Complex questions, laden with jargon or convoluted language, can overwhelm participants. When faced with complexity, participants may struggle to comprehend the question, leading to vague or incomplete responses that do not truly reflect their experiences.

Frame questions in clear and straightforward language to ensure participants easily grasp the intent. A well-understood question encourages participants to provide thoughtful and meaningful responses.

Example of an Overly Complex Question:

Complex: “In what ways do the multifaceted functionalities of the application contribute to your overall user satisfaction?”

Revised: “How do the application’s features contribute to your overall satisfaction?”


In summary, open-ended questions are indispensable tools in qualitative research.

They allow UX researchers to explore the complexity and diversity of human experiences, thoughts, and perspectives.

Open-ended questions provide valuable insights that go beyond mere numerical data. It encourages detailed and personalised responses,.

Remember to align the questions with your research objectives, ensuring clarity and neutrality and encouraging openness and storytelling.

Researchers often learn more about their subjects and find valuable insights that drive meaningful research outcomes when they use open-ended questions.

Generative Research: All You Need To Know

Generative Research: All You Need To Know

Human-centred research should always be an integral component of any UI/UX design process than isolated from it. Furthermore, human-centred research approaches should always be flexible, allowing appropriateness to be the key determining factor in the selection of methods for information collection and the testing of ideas.

Generative research is an approach that focuses on developing a deeper understanding of users to uncover opportunities for solutions and innovation.

Sometimes referred to as exploratory research, discovery research or problem-space research, generative research helps organisations when they don’t even know what problem to solve for customers.

This article seeks to delve into all things generative research, its benefits as a discipline as well as the execution methods of its underlying principles.

What is generative research?

Generative research is essentially a qualitative research methodology expressly designed to help reveal ordinary users’ problems in order to find viable solutions.

This research methodology often entails interviews with customers, exploratory research, and observation of customers to comprehensively learn about who they are, what they do, why they do what they do in a specific way, and how they do it.

It can even go further to unpack what frustrates them, what really makes them happy, and in what contexts they take a specific action, etc.

Fundamentally, generative research seeks to deeply “generate” a deep understanding of who one’s customers are (as human beings, not as users), and what they experience in their daily lives.

For example, its methodical approach to interviewing goes beyond tactical inquiries (as typically seen with usability testing) to focus on digging into a person’s identity beyond their interaction with a product.

Why is generative research important?

The strategic approach that underpins generative research and focuses on direct collaboration with users enables UI/UX developers to uncover the mindset of users regarding a particular problem to later translate it into a feasible and executable solution.

This approach does not perceive users as passive consumers but as active stakeholders in the design process of a product. It reveals to product developers what users are thinking of at a given moment when using a product, removing biases they typically have.

This is because developers sometimes get stuck in a box when creating unique products and can become quite short-sighted.

In practice, generative research helps break those biases to devise solutions to a user’s exact problems.

In fact, a Nielsen Norman Group survey revealed that 83% of organisations that engaged in generative research on their last projects reported higher success rates in contrast to others that did not.

Types of generative research

Generative research seeks to get prospective users to tell stories about their lives that go beyond a product or service, revealing rich information about their overarching needs and motivations.

The different ways generative research achieves this outcome in contrast to other research methodologies can be summarised below:

Generative vs formative research

Generative research processes focus on identifying new hypotheses for a business as well as building an understanding of their domain.

In contrast, formative research methodologies focus on testing new hypotheses before and during the delivery of a product.

Consider this scenario. A startup company wants to launch a new fitness app but isn’t sure about the features and functionalities users would find most beneficial. They conduct interviews and surveys with potential users to gather insights about their fitness habits, preferences, and pain points. Based on the feedback, they identify a need for a feature that offers personalised workout plans based on individual health goals and constraints. This is generative research.

Now, after developing a prototype of the fitness app with the personalised workout plan feature, the startup wants to ensure it meets user expectations and is easy to use. They conduct usability testing sessions where users interact with the prototype. During these sessions, they discover that users are confused about setting up their initial health goals in the app. Based on this feedback, they refine the user interface and instructions to make the setup process more intuitive. This is formative research.

In essence, while generative research helped the startup identify a potential feature (personalised workout plans), formative research helped them refine and perfect it based on real user feedback.

Generative vs evaluative research

The objectives of generative and evaluative research differ but are both essential. Generative research defines the problem one would like to design a solution for. On the other hand, evaluative research helps developers to evaluate an existing design.

Furthermore, while generative research helps one uncover opportunities to advance customer-centric solutions, evaluative research is more product-centric.

Nonetheless, though disparate in their goals, generative and evaluative research methodologies go hand in hand. Generative research helps product developers to find the problems they need to solve, while evaluative research ensures they are solving these problems well.

How to determine if generative research is needed?

As already mentioned, generative research methodologies aren’t product-focused. This means that you will not test a hypothesis or gather feedback on a product prototype. Rather, you’ll focus on understanding a customer’s identity to uncover their unmet needs you can fulfill.

It is important to initiate a generative study at the very beginning of a product-development process. This helps to drive product direction, generate new ideas and exploit any innovative market opportunities.

Furthermore, its imperative to iteratively assimilate generative research into every stage of the product development lifecycle.


Generative research methods

Generative research methodologies help organisations move from a product-centric ethos to a user-centric one.

Thereby, it enables them to uncover rich insights about customer behaviours, opinions, and motivations to design better products that solve real-world problems for their users.

The different generative research methods one can exploit are:

1. Interviews: conducting in-depth interviews to gather rich qualitative data

During user interviews, multiple participants are engaged on a one-on-one basis, either remotely or in person. Subsequently, they are asked approximately 5-10 open-ended questions that strategically encourage them to share relevant opinions, stories and experiences about a product, topic or problem.

These interviews typically provide a wealth of qualitative information about one’s users that organisations can harness to generate product ideas and solutions.

Generative research questions

Generative research questions are designed to generally explore many possible vectors that focus on one key problem. This qualitative activity is designed to generate new ideas, understandings, and directions.

2. Observations: leveraging ethnographic and contextual observations

Ethnographies is a technique where one speaks with and critically observes participants’ social behaviours, interactions and perceptions as they execute tasks in their natural habitat, like at home or in the office.

Ethnographic studies help build empathy with users, enabling product designers to better understand the context of users’ daily lives and why they behave as they do.

This information can be leveraged to uncover potential product limitations and problems and devise solutions that address those exact customer needs.

3. Workshops and Co-creation: involving participants in idea generation and collaboration

Workshops enable researchers to group people together to generate executable solutions to rectify user challenges.

Typically, during workshops, participants are provided with some background information on the challenges at hand, and then given ample time to brainstorm and suggest potential solutions.

Workshops can also be employed to get feedback on potential solutions that product developers are already considering.

4. Diary Studies: capturing longitudinal data through personal journals or diaries

A diary study allows one to collect qualitative data about user habits, behaviours and experiences over a defined period of time. While interviews and surveys capture user perceptions during an exact moment in time, diary studies are rather longitudinal to attain a more in-depth view of users.

During diary studies, researchers ask participants to submit their thoughts and feelings over a specific time period. This is usually done via video logging, enabling them to analyse observable behaviour that words alone cannot capture.

At the end of the diary study, the findings are analysed to uncover trends in customers’ long-term behaviour, attitudes, habits and motivations.

How to plan a generative research study?

When seeking to engage in generative research, here are the common steps that one can follow:

1. Define the problem at hand

Before commencing, it’s imperative to clearly define the problem to determine what generative research approach best fits your intended outcome.

If your problem dictates discovery, exploration, and understanding, then generative research is probably the right approach.

2. Understand the objectives

After defining the problem, you will need to understand the objectives of the users. To do this, create a research plan to keep you on track and serve as a guide to help you focus your tasks. Your plan should clearly state the objectives of the research exercise, detail how you’ll select participants, and even determine incentives for the participants.

3. Participant selection

Afterwards, you’ll start recruiting participants for your generative research study to get the data you need to address your research questions.

4. Choose the research methods

After participant selection, you’ll proceed to choose the appropriate generative research methodology that aligns with your objectives, timelines, and overall goals.

5. Create a discussion guide

After selecting a research methodology, you’ll need to create a discussion guide for direction when engaging participants in order to meet your objectives or moderate your discussions whilst keeping them on track.

6. Conduct a generative research

In the last phase, you’ll proceed to commence your moderated generative research using the methods mentioned earlier. These include interviews, observations, workshops or diary studies.

You can employ transcription tools, Google Meet and Zoom and also create a user research repository to store all your insights.

Data Analysis in Generative Research

After performing the generative research exercise, you’ll need to synthesise and analyse the data at hand. You can execute this manually; however, it will probably be time-consuming and cumbersome.

As such, you can use tools like UserTesting to automatically discover relevant patterns and trends related to participants’ behaviours and motivations to create user-centric experiences.

You can also create affinity diagrams to discover the most common customer pain points using tools like Condens.io.

Real-World Applications of Generative Research

Generative research is currently being exploited in different industries like technology and healthcare to gain a deeper understanding of users’ problem space.

For example, it is being used in the technology sphere to engineer new digital products and services and uncover new areas for innovation.

In healthcare, generative research is being employed to comprehensively understand patients’ needs and experiences for healthcare companies to design products that meet the unique needs of their patients.

Conclusion: Future of generative research

All things considered; generative research helps organisations define users’ problems at the very beginning of the product cycle.

Based on the insights garnered, product designers can synthesise them and understand patterns to resolve user challenges.

As such, generative research will continue to be relevant to aid researchers in finding opportunities for constant innovation when iteratively creating solutions to common pain points.

With the advancement of AI, virtual reality and augmented reality, we foresee that generative research will be branching out into immersive environments. This may foster cross-functional collaboration to help to break down user-designer silos and create a more innovative and collaborative culture.

Reach out to us at Netizen Experience for conducting generative research for your next project!

How To Do A UX Competitor Analysis?

How To Do A UX Competitor Analysis?

UX competitor analysis is an effective methodology to gain a deeper understanding of one’s products, goals and target market. 

It helps UX designers evaluate their competition in order to further improve their products, especially in a fast-paced landscape where many brands are all vying for the utmost attention of dynamic users. 

Since competitors can be leveraged as a source of inspiration, today’s article seeks to explain how to execute an effective competitive analysis to achieve tangible UX results. 

What is a UX competitor analysis?

UX competitor analysis is a mission-critical component of the UI/UX research process. A UX Competitor analysis is necessary to garner a comprehensive understanding of one’s market and the level of competition one will face when one launches their product. 

This iterative analysis exercise principally offers strategic insights into the functions, flows, features, and feelings evoked by the UX design solution offered by one’s competitors. When one understands these facets pertaining to their competition, it becomes easier to create a solution that offers a positive experience for users.

Despite being one of the initial steps of the UX designing process, competitive research should always be iterative and continuous as long as one is still working on the same project. This ethos can enable one to continually improve their products’ usability and attractiveness over time. 

Benefits of carrying out UX competitor analysis

The main benefits of executing iterative UX competitor analysis are: 

  • The ability to solve usability challenges:  Executing a UX competitor analysis can help one resolve any usability issues that might occur by evaluating and learning from what competitors are offering in the market.
  • Identification of market gaps: A competitive analysis can help designers to identify gaps in the current market. For instance, identifying unique features not present in competitors’ products.
  • Discovery of new areas for growth and innovation: A competitive analysis can discover new functions or technology paradigms that competitors have never used which could become unique selling points of one’s new product. In fact, one might discover features that can be implemented differently to deliver the same outcome. 
  • Optimised decision-making: A competitive analysis can arm you with valuable information about what your customers desire (or don’t want) to optimise your pricing strategies and brand positioning.
  • Creation of detailed requirements for a new product: If one’s product has not yet been launched, one can leverage competitor analysis results to curate detailed documentation to guide further product development.

UX Competitor analysis methods

There are four main methods to effectively execute a UX competitor analysis, namely:


SWOT is essentially a strategic planning process that assesses one’s competition based on four categories, namely: strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. In practice, the ‘strengths’ and ‘weaknesses’ elements of a SWOT analysis are internal factors, whilst the ‘threats’ and ‘opportunities’ are considered external factors.

A prioritisation matrix

A prioritisation matrix is a prioritisation framework employed to methodically compare options available, and then rank choices based on predefined selection/weighted criteria. A prioritisation matrix offers an effective and efficient way to select the project elements one’s team should focus on when performing a UX competitor analysis.

Porter’s five forces

Porter’s Five Forces is a UX competitive analysis framework exploited to iteratively analyse the operating environment of one’s competition. In practice, this strategic framework focuses on evaluating competitors based on five elements: the bargaining power of suppliers, competitive rivalry, the bargaining power of buyers, the threat of new substitutes, and the threat posed by new entrants. 

Perceptual map

Users’ perceptions of a system can inadvertently affect its perceived usability.

A perceptual map delivers a visual representation of one’s customers’ perceptions of their product relative to their competition. Also called a position map, a perceptual map is set against two axes that move from low to high to explore and assess factors such as price vs. performance, or the perceived usability and subjective appearance of a product. 

How to do UX competitor analysis?

To execute a UX competitive analysis, there are several steps you have to consider, such as: 

1. List down your goals

Leverage your existing product goals as a foundation for your competitive analysis. This step should help you set benchmarks, list the goals of your competitor analysis and align them with your desired outcome. 

2. Define parameters

In the next step, define the parameters for comparison that bring value to your users. You can place these parameters into a comparison table for guidance when compiling a list of competitors to evaluate. 

We recommend listing major competitor attributes like their name, website, mission statement, sales pitch, products/services offered (with pricing), strengths, and key differentiators.

3. Study your competitors

When evaluating your competition, you’ll have two categories of competition to consider: direct and indirect competition. 

Direct competition

When analysing your direct competition, ensure you have a common domain and functionality. This means that your competitor’s service/product should solve the same problems and directly satisfy the same needs as your product. For example, if you analyse mobile apps, your competitor must also employ mobile apps as well.

Indirect competition

When analysing your indirect competition, ensure that both your products solve the same problems but can be presented on a different platform. In essence, indirect competitors can sometimes work in another business area or even have another target audience, but still, possess functionality that is close to yours.

Do not forget to also study new entrants to the industry that are leveraging emerging technologies, processes and ways of working that may have the potential to change the face of your market landscape. 

4. Gather data

In the next step, gather data from your competitors using free and paid tools like Ahrefs (an SEO analysis tool), Buzzsumo (a content analysis tool for analysing top-performing content), Mailcharts (an email marketing analysis tool) and iSpionage (a paid ad analysis tool).

5. Compare all competitors and their products

In this next step, you can have participants complete defined tasks whilst using your and your competitor’s products as you analyse how users navigate both to uncover specific patterns and compare them.

6. Understand competitors’ user research practices

In this next step, explore the research methodologies used by competitors to gather user insights to identify gaps or areas for improvement. By iteratively analysing competitors’ UX research practices, one can identify areas where they excel and where they fall short in order to find new opportunities to differentiate themselves from competitors.

7. Analyse

In this next stage, create a summary of your findings to help you identify design opportunities since you now understand your competitors’ shortfalls (as well as your own). Your summarised analysis can be leveraged to engage stakeholders when pitching design changes that you believe will be beneficial to the product. 

You can even write a UX audit report with recommendations to help you focus on the most vital design changes for your company goals. Consider utilising tables and matrices to support the claims made in the report and identify where the product may need to improve or where you could innovate. Keep the report concise and updated over time. 

8. Iterative testing and improvement

After completing your competitive research and analysis, implement them to direct your design decision and product strategies. This should be a process of continual iteration and testing to stay ahead of market shifts and adjust products/services accordingly. 

UX competitor analysis example

An organisation that sells organic cruelty-free makeup can conduct a UX competitor analysis by comparing the websites of two other similar companies to identify gaps and strategic opportunities. 

UX competitor analysis by comparing the websites of organic cruelty-free makeups

They can evaluate the user experience of these competitor websites and create a comparison chart of notable features, functionality, and user experience. 

Also, they could then collect all necessary information about product usability and features customers use, and even features with poor implementation. 

Subsequently, they could share their discoveries after analysis with their stakeholders and exploit the insights to guide their product strategy when coming up with new ideas on how to optimise their mobile app.

Ethical considerations in competitor analysis

As you conduct a competitor analysis, there are several ethical considerations to make:

  1. It is imperative to be aware of legal considerations like intellectual property laws when conducting a competitive analysis. 
  2. It is vital to respect the confidentiality of the information you gather. 
  3. Don’t just directly copy the product designs and avoid plagiarism, but rather use the competitor analysis for inspiration to better adapt your solutions to fit your users.
  4. Do not misrepresent yourself when seeking out information. This might cast a shadow on your brand and the integrity of the insights gathered.
  5. Utilise the information gathered ethically and responsibly. This means avoiding the exploitation of insider information or data obtained through unethical means like computer hacking or malware. 


In summary, competitor analysis exercises in user design enable UX designers to gain insights into competitors’ design decisions. It also helps get evidence when considering product changes and identify potential opportunities to stay ahead of the competition. 

By periodically running a competitor analysis, organisations can stay ahead of market shifts and iteratively adjust their services accordingly in an ever-changing business landscape.

competitor analysis

Photo by Kindel Media

Remember, effective UX competitor analysis relies on planned research, understanding which competitor information is most important and the ability to synthesise your research findings. 

You can either consider conducting competitive intelligence in-house or outsourcing it to a good UI/UX design agency to get an in-depth UX review of your product. Their expertise, methodology, and resources can equip you with the knowledge needed to make informed design decisions and create a user experience that truly stands out.

Reach out to us at Netizen Experience for conducting UX Competitor Analysis for your next project!