Creating Effective UX Personas: Best Practises and Strategies

Creating Effective UX Personas: Best Practises and Strategies

User personas are one of the most functional UX methods for humanising and understanding target audiences. 

They provide UX practitioners with a reference focal point for decision-making throughout the design process, based on the requirements, pain points, and behaviours of their target users. They also help them to convey design decisions to stakeholders and developers. 

But how does one create user personas founded on actual data, not assumptions? How do UX practitioners exploit them to influence their decisions and validate their solutions throughout the design process?

This article will provide answers to these concerns, explaining what user personas are, why they are vital, and how to construct them using various techniques and methods, and also discuss best practices and strategies for implementing user personas in UX initiatives.  

What is a UX persona?

A UX persona is essentially a fictional representation of a user segment based on real user data and research. 

It goes beyond demographic information and captures the motivations, goals, behaviours, and pain points of the target audience. 

By creating UX personas, UX practitioners practically ‘step’ into the shoes of their users and make informed design decisions that cater to their specific needs and preferences. 

Fundamentally, user personas help inform product design, content creation, marketing strategies, and user experience (UX) decisions by enabling product teams to empathise with and design for their different target users.

UX persona examples

To better understand how UX personas work, let’s take a look at a few examples:

  1. Sarah the Shopper: Sarah is a working professional in her late 20s who loves online shopping. She seeks convenience, personalised recommendations, and easy checkout processes.
  2. David the Dabbler: David is a retired individual in his 60s who enjoys exploring new technology. He values simplicity, intuitive interfaces, and accessibility features.
  3. Emily the Entrepreneur: Emily is a small business owner in her 30s who relies heavily on productivity tools. She prioritises efficiency, collaboration, and seamless integrations.

Role of UX personas in design and development

UX personas play a vital role in the design and development process. They help one to:

  • Empathise with their users and see the problem from their perspective
  • Define their user needs and requirements
  • Focus primarily on the most important features and functionalities
  • Communicate their design vision and rationale to stakeholders and developers
  • Test and validate their solutions with real users

UX personas are not only useful for UX practitioners but also for other roles involved in the product development process, such as product managers, marketers, content writers, developers, etc. In practice, they help everyone align around the same user goals and expectations, and create a consistent user experience across different touchpoints.

user personas for UX

Types of personas

For the most part, user personas are informed by research methods like market analysis, surveys, and interviews that gather insights about the target users. There are different types of personas that you can create depending on your project goals, scope, and resources. Here are some examples of the most common ones:

Proto personas

Proto personas are quick and easy personas that one can create at the early stages of the design process when they have limited, or no data available. They are based on assumptions and hypotheses that one makes about their users based on their domain knowledge, experience, or intuition. They help UX practitioners to start thinking about their users and generate ideas for further research.

To create proto-personas, one can use a simple template that includes the following elements:

  • Name and photo
  • Demographic details
  • Goals and needs
  • Pain points and challenges
  • Potential solutions

In practice, one can create proto-personas individually or collaboratively with their team or stakeholders using sticky notes or online tools. They can also validate them later with real data from user research.

Qualitative personas

Qualitative personas are more detailed and accurate personas that you can curate when you have more data available from user research. 

They are based on qualitative data collected from methods such as interviews, observations, focus groups, diary studies, etc. They help you dive deeper into your users’ needs, motivations, frustrations, and preferences.

To create qualitative personas, you can use a more comprehensive template that includes the following elements:

  • Name and photo
  • Demographic details
  • Behavioural characteristics
  • Scenarios and tasks
  • Quotes or testimonials

You can create qualitative personas by analysing the data collected from user research using techniques such as affinity diagramming, persona mapping, or empathy mapping. You can also leverage online tools or software to create and share your personas.

Statistical or mixed method personas

Statistical or mixed method personas are the most complex and reliable personas that you can create when you have large amounts of data available from user research. 

They are based on both qualitative and quantitative data collected from methods such as surveys, analytics, A/B testing, etc. They help you create more realistic and nuanced personas that reflect the diversity of your user base.

To create statistical or mixed method personas, you can use a sophisticated template that includes elements similar to qualitative personas but with some additional ones:

  • Name and photo
  • Demographic details
  • Behavioural characteristics
  • Scenarios and tasks
  • Quotes or testimonials
  • Data-driven insights (such as metrics, segments, clusters, etc.)

You can create statistical or mixed-method personas by using advanced techniques such as factor analysis, cluster analysis, or machine learning.

How to build a UX persona?

Building a UX persona is not a one-time activity but an iterative process that involves four main steps:

1. Conduct user research

Start by conducting user research to gather qualitative and quantitative data. User interviews, observations, surveys, and analytics are effective methods to understand user needs, behaviours, and preferences. This research phase is crucial for gathering insights that inform the persona creation process.

2. Data analysis

Analyse the data collected during user research to identify patterns, trends, and commonalities among your target audience. Iteratively look for recurring themes, pain points, and goals. Also, ensure to categorise and prioritise the information based on its relevance to your design objectives.

3. Persona creation

Start by giving each persona a name to personalise and humanise them. Then, create a detailed profile for each persona, including the following elements:

  • Demographics: Capture relevant demographic information such as age, gender, location, and occupation.
  • Goals and Motivations: Define the primary goals, motivations, and desired outcomes of each persona when interacting with your product or service.
  • Needs and Pain Points: Identify the pain points, challenges, and needs that your personas have, and how your product or service could address them.
  • Behaviours and Preferences: Document the typical behaviours, preferences, and interaction patterns of each persona. Consider their preferred devices, browsing habits, content formats, or any specific requirements.
  • Persona Story: Create a narrative or backstory that provides context and describes a typical day in the life of each persona. This helps to make them more relatable and memorable.

4. Validation

Once you have created a persona, it’s crucial to validate it. Share the persona with stakeholders, designers, and developers to gather feedback and ensure its accuracy. You can conduct additional user interviews or usability tests to validate whether the persona aligns with real user needs and behaviours.

user personas

Best practices and strategies for implementing UX Personas

To make the most of your UX personas, consider the following best practices and strategies:

  1. Involve stakeholders: Engage stakeholders, including researchers, designers, developers, and product managers, in the persona creation process. Their insights and perspectives will contribute to a more comprehensive understanding of the target audience.
  2. Keep personas updated: Regularly revisit and update your personas as user behaviours and preferences evolve. Set up mechanisms to collect ongoing user feedback and incorporate it into persona profiles.
  3. Use visuals: Visualise your personas using visual elements such as photographs, icons, or illustrations. This helps to make them more relatable and memorable for the entire team.
  4. Consider multiple personas: Depending on the sophistication of your product or service, you may be required to create multiple personas to represent different user segments. Ensure that each persona captures unique characteristics and needs.
  5. Empathy and user-centricity: Embrace empathy and a user-centric mindset throughout the design and development process. Continuously refer back to your personas to ensure that your decisions align with user needs and expectations.


Fundamental to user-centred design is the creation of effective UX personas. By understanding your audience’s motivations, objectives, and pain points, you can create experiences that resonate with and engage users. 

Remember to conduct exhaustive user research, analyse the data, develop realistic personas, and validate them to ensure their efficacy. By adhering to the best practices and strategies indicated in this article, you should be able to create effective UX personas that result in successful design and development.

Talk to our UX consultants at Netizen Experience to know more about user research and creating personas for your next project!

What is Empathy Mapping?

What is Empathy Mapping?

Empathy is the psychological ability to emotionally relate to the feelings, experiences and thoughts of others.  In the world of user experience (UX) design, an empathic understanding of users is paramount when it comes to designing meaningful and influential experiences.

To design meaningful and influential experiences, UX practitioners must delve deeply into the psyche of their target audience. And in recent years, empathy mapping has become a powerful tool granting UX practitioners an easy method of delving deeply into the psyche of their target audience, and developing a holistic understanding of users’ needs, behaviours, and emotions.

This technique has gained significant traction in recent years, and in this article, we will examine the concept of empathy mapping, its significance in UX design

What is empathy mapping?

Traditionally, an empathy map is usually divided into four quadrants: Says, Thinks, Does, and Feels. Each quadrant represents a different aspect of the user’s perspective. The user or persona is placed in the centre of the map.

  1. The Says quadrant comprises the user’s verbal expressions during interviews and usability studies, capturing their direct quote during research.
  2. The Thinks quadrant focuses on what the user is thinking throughout the experience, revealing their mental process and what matters to them. This also uncovers spoken users’ thoughts.
  3. The Does quadrant encompasses the user’s actions and behaviours, providing insight into their physical interactions. It reveals how users behave, and what actions they take, shedding light on their goals and challenges.
  4. The Feels quadrant represents is the user’s emotional state. For example, and how they feel about the experience range from e.g., excitement, fear, anger, etc.

Empathy map variations

Different variations of empathy maps exist, each tailored to serve specific purposes or provide specific perspectives

For example, one-user empathy maps are tailored for individual users based on direct interviews or diary studies.

On the other hand, multiple-users or aggregated empathy maps are used to represent a user segment and are created by combining multiple individual empathy maps

Here are the purposes each empathy map variation serves:

  1. One-user empathy maps: These focus on a single user’s experience, providing detailed insights into their specific behaviours and needs.
  2. Multiple-users/Aggregated empathy maps: These synthesise themes across a group of users with similar behaviours, and are useful for identifying common patterns and creating personas.
  3. Expanded quadrants empathy maps: These include additional quadrants like ‘Goals’, ‘Pains’, and ‘Gains’ to capture more detailed aspects of the user’s experience and motivations.

Empathy mapping vs user journey mapping?

Empathy mapping and user journey mapping are both tools that help UX practitioners gain a better understanding of their users; however, their purposes and formats are distinct. A user journey map essentially depicts a user’s interaction with a product or service over time. This helps UX practitioners identify pain points, opportunities, and moments of delight along the user’s journey. It also serves to align various stakeholders with the needs and expectations of the user. In contrast, an empathy map is a snapshot of the user’s mental state at a particular time. It does not depict the events or interactions leading up to that juncture. It focuses on the internal state of the user as opposed to their external behaviour. In essence, it enables UX practitioners to empathise with and comprehend the user’s perspective. It also facilitates the generation of hypotheses and insights regarding the user’s problems and solutions. user journey mapping

Why is empathy mapping important in UX design?

Empathy mapping plays a crucial role in UX design as it helps UX practitioners develop user-centred solutions. By fostering empathy, UX practitioners can go beyond assumptions and gain genuine insights into user needs and behaviours. Here are a few reasons why empathy mapping is essential:

  1. User-centric design: Empathy mapping encourages a user-centric approach, ensuring that design decisions are grounded in real user insights rather than assumptions.
  2. Emotional understanding: By capturing users’ emotions, empathy mapping helps UX practitioners understand the underlying motivations and triggers that influence user behaviour
  3. Identifying pain points: Empathy mapping allows UX practitioners to identify pain points, frustrations, and unmet needs, leading to more effective problem-solving.
  4. Effective communication: Empathy maps serve as a visual and tangible tool to communicate user insights across the design team, stakeholders, and clients, fostering a shared understanding.
  5. Guides user testing and validation: Insights from empathy mapping can inform the creation of more effective user testing scenarios and validation strategies. By understanding what matters most to users, UX practitioners can tailor their testing methods to gather more relevant feedback, further refining the design.

Advantages of empathy mapping

As detailed above, empathy mapping is a highly efficient tool that can help UX practitioners better understand their customers’ experiences and highlight areas for improvement.

Some advantages of empathy mapping include the following:

  1. Improves understanding of users: Empathy maps provide you with an easy way of understanding your target audience and their needs, wants, thoughts, and feelings.
  2. Creates better customer experiences: By better understanding your users, you can create more enjoyable experiences that will convince them to keep coming back.
  3. Easy to complete: Empathy mapping provides you with an easier way to sort your user’s feelings, thoughts, and actions into simple categories and create a new plan for improving both your product and their experience.
  4. Creating user-centric approaches: A better understanding of your customers will help you create more user-centric approaches tailored to their needs.
  5. Improves customer loyalty: Empathy mapping can help organisations empathize with their customers, establishing more meaningful customer connections and enhancing customer loyalty.
  6. Support for persona development: The rich, qualitative data captured in empathy maps can be instrumental in developing detailed user personas. These personas can then guide design decisions throughout the product development lifecycle.
  7. Reduction of biases and assumptions: By grounding design decisions in real user insights captured through empathy mapping, teams can reduce the influence of personal biases and assumptions, leading to more objective and user-centred solutions.
  8. Facilitates of creativity and innovation: A deep dive into the user’s emotional landscape can inspire creative ideas and innovative design solutions. They help designers to think outside the box and come up with novel design solutions that address not just the functional but also the emotional and psychological aspects of the user experience.
  9. Enhances problem framing: Empathy mapping helps in framing the problem space from the user’s viewpoint, context and emotional landscape, which is critical in defining the right design challenges to tackle. Understanding this enables designers to frame problems in a way that leads to more user-centric solutions.

Limitations of empathy mapping

Empathy mapping is not fool-proof and learning about its limitations is essential in its applications.

Some limitations of empathy mapping include the following:

  1. Limited scope: Empathy maps are designed to capture the needs and perspectives of a specific audience, but may not capture the needs and perspectives of other stakeholders i.e. stakeholders and suppliers.
  2. Lack of context: As empathy maps tend to focus on an individual user’s interaction with a product or service, they may miss the wider context. For example, much of a user’s emotions or experiences are affected by environmental factors that may be captured on an empathy map.
  3. Incomplete data or assumptions: Empathy maps utilise data that may not be accurate or complete, leading to incorrect or incomplete insights.
  4. Lack of actionable insights: Empathy maps can help identify users’ needs and perspectives but they may not provide actionable insights on how to address those needs and perspectives.
  5. Static nature: Because empathy maps are static representations, they may fail to capture the dynamic nature of users’ thoughts and emotions, which will change over time or in response to different situations.
  6. Time-consuming and expensive to create: Creating an empathy map requires a collection of data and input from multiple stakeholders, which may be time-consuming and expensive.

What are the components of an empathy map?


Fundamentally, a persona is a fictional representation of a typical or ideal user based on real data and research. This helps UX practitioners create a realistic and relatable picture of who they are designing for. A persona usually includes:

  • A name and a photo
  • Demographic information such as gender, age, location, education, occupation
  • Behavioural information such as goals, tasks, pain points, preferences
  • Psychographic information like personality traits, values, attitudes

A persona should always be placed in the centre of an empathy map to remind UX practitioners who they are empathising with. Read: Guide to Creating User Personas for UX


As mentioned earlier, an empathy map is divided into four quadrants: Says, Thinks, Does, and Feels. Each quadrant represents a different aspect of the persona’s perspective. To fill in each quadrant, UX practitioners should use data and evidence from various sources such as interviews, surveys, observations, analytics, etc. They should also use sticky notes or markers to write down short phrases or keywords that capture what the persona says, thinks, does, and feels.


Insights are key findings or learnings that emerge from analysing the data in each quadrant. In practice, they help UX practitioners better understand why the persona behaves or feels a certain way. To generate insights, UX practitioners should look for patterns, themes, contradictions, or surprises in each quadrant. They should also ask questions, such as:

  • What does this data tell us about the persona?
  • What are their underlying motivations or beliefs?
  • What are their pain points or challenges?
  • What are their opportunities or desires?
  • How do they differ from other personas or segments?

Note: Insights should be written down as statements that summarise or interpret what was observed or heard.


Needs are problems or goals that the persona wants to solve or achieve. Learning about these needs will help UX practitioners define what value they can provide to the persona.

To identify needs, UX practitioners should look for gaps or opportunities in each quadrant. They should also ask questions, such as:

  • What does this persona need to do or have?
  • What are their expectations or requirements?
  • What are their frustrations or obstacles?
  • How can we help them overcome or avoid them?
  • How can we delight them or exceed their expectations?

Needs should be written down as statements that express what the persona wants or expects from a product or service.

How to create an empathy map?

Creating an empathy map is a collaborative process that involves several steps:

1. Identify your personas

To create an empathy map, start by identifying the personas or user groups you want to understand better. These personas represent the archetypal users who will interact with your product or service. Next, develop a clear understanding of their demographic information, goals, motivations, and pain points.

2. Conduct user research

User research is a critical step in empathy mapping. Engage in qualitative research methods such as interviews, surveys, and observations to gather insights directly from your target users. Understand their needs, frustrations, and desires to gain a comprehensive understanding of their experiences.

3. Enlist empathy map questions

The third step is to enlist questions that will guide you in filling out each quadrant of your empathy map. You can use generic questions, such as:

  • What does this persona say during an interview or a usability test?
  • What does this persona think about their problem or goal?
  • What does this persona do when they use our product or service?
  • How does this persona feel about their experience?

Or you can use more specific questions based on your research objectives, such as:

  • What does this persona say about our competitors?
  • What does this persona think about our value proposition?
  • What does this persona do when they encounter an error message?
  • How does this persona feel when they complete a task?

Write these questions down on sticky notes or markers and place them in each quadrant of your empathy map.

4. Fill in the empathy map

empathy map Once you have gathered the research data and insights from user interviews, surveys, or observations, it’s time to fill in each section of the empathy map. Here is a clear step-by-step guide to help you through the process: a. Says:

    • Review the direct quotes, statements, or feedback collected during user research.
    • Identify the most relevant and representative quotes that capture the users’ perspectives.
    • Write these quotes or statements in the “Says” section of the empathy map.
    • Use sticky notes or a digital tool to organise and arrange the quotes.

b. Thinks:

    • Analyse the data and observations to understand the underlying thoughts, motivations, goals, and concerns of the users.
    • Identify recurring themes or patterns related to their thoughts and mindset.
    • Write down the key thoughts or internal dialogues of the users in the “Thinks” section of the empathy map.
    • Use concise phrases or keywords to capture the essence of their thoughts.

c. Feels:

    • Reflect on the emotional experiences expressed or observed during user research.
    • Identify the range of emotions that users go through during their journey.
    • Write down the emotions users felt in the “Feels” section of the empathy map.
    • Be specific and descriptive to capture the nuances of their emotional states.

d. Does:

    • Consider the actions, behaviours, and interactions observed or reported by the users.
    • Identify the key behaviours and actions that users take while engaging with the product or service.
    • Write down these behaviours in the “Does” section of the empathy map.
    • Use action-oriented language to describe what users do and how they interact.

Remember, an empathy map is a collaborative tool. So, ensure that the design team, stakeholders, and even users are involved in filling in the map collaboratively. Having diverse perspectives and insights will help create a comprehensive and accurate representation.

5. Analyse and Interpret

The fifth step is to analyse and interpret your empathy map by generating insights and identifying needs. You can utilise sticky notes or markers to write statements summarising or explaining what you learned from each quadrant.

Look out for patterns, themes, contradictions, surprises, etc., and also ask questions such as why, how, so what, etc., to gain a better understanding of your persona’s perspective.

Tips for creating an empathy map

Here are five tips for helping you create a better empathy map:

  1. Include diverse stakeholders: Gathering perspectives from a wide variety of team members and stakeholders will create a more well-rounded understanding of the target audience.
  2. Use visual aids: Using images and visual aids will help team members remember the process and what needs to be included.
  3. Iterate and refine: As mentioned before, empathy maps are static and require regular revisits and updates as new insights emerge. This iterative process ensures that the design remains aligned with evolving user needs.
  4. Digital templates: Use digital tools and templates for remote collaboration and to create a centralised database of user insights. This will facilitate easier sharing and improved accessibility for teammates.

Link to personas: Connecting empathy maps to the creation of user personas will provide easier access to insights and facilitate the development of rich and realistic user personas.


Empathy mapping is an invaluable technique in UX design that allows UX practitioners to deeply understand users and create more human-centred experiences. By cultivating empathy, UX practitioners can bridge the gap between user expectations and design solutions, gaining valuable insights into user needs, emotions, and behaviours— leading to more impactful and successful designs. Reach out to us at Netizen Experience for creating empathy maps for your next project!

The Importance of Accessibility in UX Design

The Importance of Accessibility in UX Design

Accessibility is increasingly coming to the forefront as a central element of user-centred design.

It is no longer enough to simply create a visually stunning website or application. Rather, UX designers must consider the needs of all users, including those with disabilities or limitations.

Hence the goal of UX accessibility is to create a product that is easy to use and navigate for everyone, regardless of their abilities or circumstances.

In today’s article, we’ll explore the importance of accessibility in user experience (UX) design, types of accessibility issues, why UX accessibility is essential, and best practices for UX designers to follow. We shall also examine examples of accessible design in UX to illustrate how this concept can be implemented in real-world scenarios.

What is accessibility in UX?

According to the Oxford Learner’s dictionary, accessibility is essentially how easy something is to reach, enter, use, etc.

In the UX/UI context, accessibility is the measurement of a user’s ability to utilise products/services, and the extent it can ease the process where the user can achieve their objectives.

So, for the most part, accessibility in UX design revolves around designing products that can be used by as many people as possible, regardless of their abilities. This means creating products that are easy to navigate, understand, and interact with, for example, using assistive technologies, like screen readers, Braille displays, or voice recognition software.

By doing so, UX designers can ensure that everyone, regardless of their abilities or circumstances, can use and benefit from their products.

Types of accessibility issues

There are several types of accessibility issues that UX designers need to be aware of, including:

  • Visual impairments: Visually impaired users may have difficulty seeing or distinguishing certain colours, shapes, or patterns, reading small text or focusing on specific page areas.
  • Hearing impairments: People with hearing impaired may have difficulty hearing audio cues or spoken instructions and require captions or transcripts for multimedia content.
  • Motor impairments: Users with gross/fine motor issues may have difficulty using a mouse or keyboard and may require assistive technologies, such as speech recognition software or eye-tracking devices, to navigate a website or application.
  • Cognitive impairments: Users with cognitive impairments might not easily understand multiple instructions, or may face difficulty navigating complex interfaces.

Why is UX accessibility important?

Creating a product that is accessible to all users has numerous benefits not just to the user but to the business as well.

Here are a few reasons why UX accessibility is essential:

  • Enhanced user experience: An accessible product is easy to navigate and understand, making it a more enjoyable experience for all users. By considering the needs of all users, UX designers can create a product that is intuitive, efficient, and user-friendly.
  • It expands the market population: A WHO report showed that 15% of the world’s population will be excluded from a product or service if accessibility design is not taken into consideration.

UX designers can therefore tap into a larger market population by creating an accessible product. This includes users with disabilities or limitations, as well as older users who may have age-related limitations.

  • It is ethical: Creating an accessible product is simply the right thing to do. Everyone deserves equal access to technology, regardless of their abilities or circumstances. And by designing with accessibility in mind, UX designers can ensure that they are not excluding any group of users.
  • It is often required by law: In many countries, including the United States, creating an accessible product is a legal requirement. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), for example, mandates that all websites and applications must be accessible to people with disabilities.
  • Better SEO rankings: Search engines rate accessible web apps and sites highly. Technologies such as screen readers are easily discovered by SEO and provide an advantage to the website that employs them.
  • Public relations: Designing with accessibility in mind is a great way to enhance a brand’s reputation of inclusivity.

UX accessibility best practices for UX designers

Let’s explore some effective strategies that UX designers can follow to ensure that their products are accessible to all users.

1. Provide text alternatives for non-text content

Ensure that all non-text content, such as images, videos,  audio or text alternatives. For example, insert image alternative text (alt text/image alt tags) or video captions and transcripts to enable users to understand the content without relying on sound.

2. Use descriptive link text

Descriptive link text is important for users with disabilities who use screen readers to navigate the web. This text conveys the purpose of the link, unlike generic text like “click here” or “read more”. An example of descriptive text is “read more about our product features” rather than “click here for more information.”

3. Create clear and consistent navigation

UX designers ought to use clear and concise language for navigation and ensure that it’s consistent throughout the website or application. This is critical as it will make it easier for users with disabilities to navigate the site and find the information they need.

4. Ensure that colour is not the only means of conveying information

Colour blind users may be unable to access information conveyed solely through colour. UX designers should ensure that it isn’t the only means of conveying information by using patterns, textures, or labels to help users with these disabilities access the same information as others.

5. Use a clear and easy-to-read font

UX designers should choose a font that is legible and an appropriate size for users of all ages while also considering the contrast between the font and the background colour. High contrast will make it easier for users with disabilities to read the text.

6. Provide alternatives for multimedia content

Multimedia content such as audio or video can be a barrier for users with auditory impairment and visual impairments. UX designers should ensure that users have alternatives available, such as captions or transcripts, to make the information accessible to all consumers.

Incorporating accessibility into the design process from the very beginning is ideal, but it can be challenging for internal teams to manage all aspects on their own. Partnering with a UI/UX design agency can bridge this gap. Their team can collaborate with your UX designers to ensure accessibility considerations are seamlessly integrated throughout the design process, leading to a more inclusive user experience.

7. Make sure the website or application is keyboard-friendly

Some users may not be able to use a mouse or touchscreen. UX designers should ensure that all functionality on the website or application can be accessed using a keyboard, including navigation, forms, and other interactive elements.

8. Allow users to customise the experience

It is vital to provide options to allow users to customise their experiences, such as font size and contrast. This will make it easier for users with disabilities to use the site or application.

9. Test the website or application with assistive technology like AI and VUI

Using assistive technology, such as AI-powered screen readers or voice recognition software, is a great way to test the website or application and ensure it’s accessible to all users. These will enable people with auditory impairments and the visually impaired to access information with the same level of accuracy as other normal users.

10. Use consistent components

Using consistent components throughout the website or application makes it easier for users with disabilities to navigate and use the site. These can include consistent colours, font styles, and navigation elements.

11. Device-independent design

Employing device-independent design allows users to operate the functionality through various inputs as their abilities permit. Enabling users to interact with the product with various device. For example, mouse, keyboard, voice user interface and others.

Examples of accessible design in UX

To better understand the importance of accessible UX design, let’s look at some examples of accessible design in UX.

Captioning and transcripts for videos: Adding captions and transcripts to videos makes them accessible to users who are deaf or hard of hearing, allowing them to understand the content without relying on audio.


Image Credit:

Alt text for images: Adding alt text to images helps users who are blind or have low vision understand the content of the image. Screen readers can read the alt text aloud, giving users a better understanding of what’s being shown.

alt text

Image Credit:

Consistent and clear navigation: Providing consistent and clear navigation throughout a website or app helps all users. However, it is especially helpful for users who use screen readers or other assistive technologies to navigate. It is also helpful for users with cognitive disabilities.

Colour contrast: Ensuring that there is sufficient contrast between text and background can make it easier for users with low vision or colour-blindness to read the content.

Bad colour contrast vs good colour contrast

Bad colour contrast vs good colour contrast

Keyboard accessibility: Ensuring that all the functionality of the app or website can be accessed via a keyboard is important for users who are unable to use a mouse or other pointing device.


Accessible design is an essential aspect of user experience that prioritises inclusion and usability for all individuals, regardless of their abilities or disabilities.

By following the aforementioned practices and incorporating features like colour contrast, clear language and assistive technologies, UX designers can create products and services that are more accessible and user-friendly.

As illustrated by the examples discussed in this article, accessible design not only benefits individuals with disabilities but also improves the overall user experience. And this can ultimately lead to greater success and satisfaction for businesses and organisations.

With technology continuing to evolve, UX designers need to constantly prioritise accessibility and innovate ways that promote inclusivity and equal access for all users.

Reach out to us at Netizen Experience for Accessible UX Design Services for your next project!

How Will AI Impact UX Design?

How Will AI Impact UX Design?

Technology is advancing at a fast rate, exemplified by the advent of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning algorithms that are evolving to understand and interpret the most complex of natural processes.

In fact, AI is arguably the hottest topic in UX design currently. But it’s not just exciting to learn about and explore, it has real business potential and applicability.

However, the overarching question is: how can designers fully exploit AI in their day-to-day UX design work?

This post will take an in-depth look at what AI is and why it’s crucial for designers. It will also provide tips on how to innovatively use AI and what challenges lie ahead with this technology.

What is AI in UX?

Before we go any further, let’s define AI.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) refers to specialised computer systems that can perform repetitive or unique tasks that usually require human intelligence. These include learning, problem-solving, decision-making, and language processing.

AI is a multi-faceted field encompassing various sub-disciplines, such as machine learning, natural language processing, robotics and computer vision.

AI systems can be iteratively trained using substantial amounts of data and algorithms to programmatically recognise repetitive patterns, make predictions, and automate decision-making processes.

Common examples of AI applications are virtual assistants, image and speech recognition, medical diagnosis, autonomous vehicles, fraud detection, and many more.

Overall, the goal of AI is to create intelligent machines capable of working autonomously, adapting to new situations, and performing tasks efficiently and accurately.

In the UX (user experience) context, artificial intelligence technologies can be leveraged to enhance and personalise the user experience of digital applications and products.

For example, AI can be utilized to analyse user behaviour and preferences in order to provide personalised recommendations and insights based on users’ search history to improve the user experience by predicting what a user is likely to do next.

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Photo by Pixabay

Advantages of using AI in UX design

Personalisation and Customisation

AI can help create more personalised experiences by leveraging user data and machine learning algorithms to tailor interfaces to individual users.

This can include personalised recommendations, content, and navigation based on a user’s previous behaviour, preferences, and interests.

Improved user testing and feedback

AI can help UX designers to conduct user research and testing more efficiently and accurately.

For example, AI-powered tools can programmatically analyse user feedback, behaviour, and interaction patterns to provide insights that can inform design decisions.

This is an important step in the process of creating a product because it allows you to see if your ideas are working as expected, and if changes need to be made before launching it publicly.

If there’s an error that needs fixing on your site or app, then AI can also be able to tell which fields need more attention than others based on how often users visit them during testing sessions conducted by researchers.

Streamlined design processes

AI can help streamline the process of designing content, user interfaces, experiences and products.

AI is especially useful when it comes to designing for mobile devices.

With so many people using their phones as their primary computing device for accessing information on the internet and engaging with brands, it’s imperative to make apps as intuitive and easy-to-use as possible.

AI helps UX designers to create efficient and streamlined user experiences.

It does so by automating repetitive tasks, like form-filling, and providing intelligent recommendations to help users make more informed decisions. This helps save users time and effort, reducing their frustration and confusion.

For example, designers can exploit various AI algorithms based on historical patterns in user data to create flow diagrams, and even develop wireframes from a flowchart. In practice, once an artificial intelligence intelligently understands the context and the user flow, it can programmatically generate complete wireframes for an entire app.

Subsequently, the UX designer will only need to customise or edit the wireframes to meet the unique product requirements.

New possibilities for design

AI is facilitating innovation in UX design by enabling designers to exploit machine learning algorithms to create new forms of interaction, like gesture-based controls. Or to devise new forms of visualisation and feedback like augmented and virtual reality experiences.

AI UX design tools

There are a number of AI-powered tools that can facilitate the UX design process, such as:

Attention Insight

Attention Insight is a deep learning platform that predicts changes in visual attention of users to improve conversion rates, and achieve better product performance and user-centric design.

This AI-powered tool can help to uncover websites’ usability issues to enable designers to easily understand the elements that are most noticed on their websites.


As a collaborative AI-powered design tool for non-designers, Uizard can quickly transform sketches into artboards to allow them to expeditiously build clickable interactive prototypes.

Thus, enabling them to visualise and communicate concepts, turning theoretical ideas into reality.


ChatGPT is a groundbreaking AI tool that can aid designers in generating ideas for user research or even get design inspiration with its ability to generate content basis text prompts.

ChatGPT can also help UX designers to create user-friendly and engaging content for different digital products.

Let’s Enhance

Let’s Enhance is a unique automated AI-driven image upscaler and fixer that leverages super-resolution technologies based on Deep Convolutional Neural Networks to improve image resolution without quality loss.


The AutoDraw AI-powered drawing tool enables users to turn their sketches into clip art. Using machine learning, users can draw anything with a few strokes, in minutes.

Examples of AI in UX design

Chatbots and virtual assistants

AI-powered chatbots and voice assistants can provide users with a more natural and intuitive way to interact with digital interfaces. They can also help improve accessibility for users with disabilities by providing alternative ways to navigate and interact with interfaces.

Predictive analytics and recommendations

AI can help UX designers predict and anticipate user needs, and even behaviours based on data analysis. This can help designers create more effective and engaging experiences that meet the needs of users.

Voice and facial recognition

AI can also be used to automate certain aspects of the user experience with facial recognition and voice assistants that can interact with users in a natural language. Or even perform routine tasks like scheduling appointments or ordering products.

Adaptive interfaces

Adaptive interfaces are essentially user interfaces that change dynamically based on users’ preferences, behaviour, and the context in which they’re being used. These interfaces are designed to provide users with more personalised experiences, making it easier for them to achieve their objectives and complete tasks more efficiently.

Challenges and considerations of using AI for UX design

Ethical concerns and data privacy

The most overarching concern about AI in UX design relates to privacy and security.

Since AI algorithms are designed to collect and iteratively analyse large amounts of user data, there is an inherent risk that this data can be misused or stolen.

UX designers are advised to work closely with cybersecurity experts to ensure that user data is continuously protected and users are informed about the data being collected and used.

Overreliance on AI

Artificial intelligence is disruptive, and its potential is unfathomable. However, it poses a risk of UX designers’ over-reliance on it, thus risking the possibility of bias and discrimination.

AI algorithms can easily perpetuate and amplify existing biases, leading to discriminatory or unfair experiences for some users. As such, UX designers must always consider, for example, using diverse training data sets and testing algorithms for bias.

Need for human-centred design

Human-centred design is critical in UX design because it ensures that the end-users are at the centre of the design process.

AI can be exploited to create more efficient and effective design solutions, but without a focus on the needs and preferences of users, the resulting design may not be successful.

Human-centred design revolves around understanding the needs and behaviours of users through research, then incorporating those findings into the design process.

While AI can automate many aspects of the design process, such as generating layouts or colour schemes, it should not replace human creativity and intuition.

Human-centred design helps ensure that the end product is tailored to the exact needs and preferences of users, rather than solely based on machine-generated insights.

Concluding remark: What is the future of AI in UX design?

As we get to a permanent state of ubiquitous computing, AI will only ingrain itself in our daily lives more, revolutionising the way we interact with digital products whilst offering new opportunities for innovation.

Nonetheless, UX designers and product developers will still need to continually navigate the intricate and rapidly-evolving landscape of AI technology.

As we have seen throughout the blog, AI can be used to make the design process more efficient. It can help with data collection and analysis, which can save you time by avoiding tedious manual tasks.

Furthermore, AI can be used to make the design process more accurate.

Using AI in this way means that you won’t have to spend hours manually creating mockups or laying out wireframes—AI will do it for you.

AI can also help with delivering better results faster than before.

Overall, AI can play a significant role in improving the user experience by providing more personalised, intuitive, and efficient interactions between users and digital products. However, when it comes to UX design, it is vital to use AI in the right order (by avoiding the challenges mentioned in the article) to make it beneficial to the design process.

Reach out to us at Netizen Experience to learn how to use AI for your UX design project!

UX Audit: All You Need To Know

UX Audit: All You Need To Know

In today’s dynamic and fast-paced technology landscape, it’s exceedingly challenging to maintain UI/UX design consistency, especially with multiple teams working on the same product.

Fortunately, in a manner akin to financial audits, UX audits allow design teams to evaluate their products to identify consistency, continuity, accessibility, and usability issues.

This article aims to cover all the basics of UX audits and how they can be exploited to improve the user experience of a product.

What is a UX audit?

Sometimes referred to as a usability audit, a UX audit is a quality assurance (QA) procedure that systematically assesses a digital interface to deliver an in-depth report on potential usability limitations.

The gathered insights can be leveraged to make recommendations for enhancements based on user research and UX heuristics.

UX audits employ different empirical methods to offer heuristics-based recommendations for user-centric enhancements to boost conversions.

What is the objective of UX audit?

UX audits are typically recommended periodically whenever an organisation implements new functionality, or its users report pain points in the user experience.

UX audits help identify and fix common UX issues while measuring success metrics, like bounce rate, revenue growth and user retention.

For the most part, a UX audit helps answer the following questions:

  • Where do users experience challenges in understanding navigation or a new capability?
  • What does the data communicate about users’ behaviour and their needs?
  • What can be potentially modified on a website or an app to improve its overall business performance?

Who should do a UX Audit, and when?

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Photo by Pixabay

Generally speaking, organisations without a dedicated UX team should consider performing a UX audit periodically. This is because those with in-house UX teams are most likely continually evaluating their products and optimising the user experience.

In fact, companies with in-house teams usually conduct UX audits as part of their quality assurance process whenever they release a major product update or product redesign.

So, companies without dedicated UX teams should always schedule periodic UX audits to ensure their products meet business and user experience objectives. Or to uncover pain points that they might not have been aware of.

However, for the most part, conducting a UX audit largely depends on the size of the business entity and the resources that are available.

Nonetheless, it is recommended that an external team of auditors conducts the UX audit to ensure that the report is as objective as possible.

During the UX audit, the auditor will systematically measure, test, assess and analyse the following elements:

  • Broken links
  • Usability and accessibility
  • Usability heuristics
  • Design system inconsistencies—fonts, colours, patterns, etc.
  • Layout and hierarchy inconsistencies
  • Outdated content
  • Traffic, engagement, conversion rates, retention, and sales analytics
  • Customer journey bottlenecks and roadblocks
  • Branding and messaging
  • Review product design against business and user experience goals

Benefits of conducting UX audit

The key benefits of conducting a UX audit are:

Improved user experience

Products underpinned by a comprehensive evaluation and understanding of UX typically deliver an improved user experience.

A successful UX audit can also help companies improve their products by identifying areas where they could improve customer satisfaction and increase user adoption rates.

It’s also useful for helping them understand how different groups of people use a product differently—and what needs to change in order for everyone who uses it consistently to feel satisfied enough that they want more from it (or recommend it).

Increased engagement and retention

The insights gained from UX audits can provide an overview of challenges and pain points from a wide range of disparate user perspectives. These insights can then be used to optimise the product to improve user engagement.

Better conversion rates

Conducting a UX audit will allow you to evaluate how users interact with your product to improve conversion rates.

For example, the areas users find convoluted or confusing, and how they respond when something doesn’t work as intended. This information can be used in the design process so that future iterations are more user-friendly and intuitive for consumers, improving the conversion metrics.

Competitive advantage

UX audit findings are typically analysed and organised into a digestible report which contains key insights and recommendations based on the audit exercise.

These insights can be aligned with the company goals to gain a competitive advantage by delivering high-quality customer experiences across all touchpoints (for example, e-mail marketing campaigns, social media posts and even website content).

UX audit methods

There are several different methods to conduct a usability audit, for example:

  • Observation: The most common method is observation, where the UX auditor sits down with stakeholders and watches them use the product or service in their environment. They can also use an observation checklist or questionnaire.
  • UX maturity survey: A UX maturity survey involves team members across a company answering questions about their product’s UX capabilities, awareness and understanding. Consequently, the responses from the survey are employed to gauge the organisation’s level of UX maturity (i.e., capacity and desire to effectively execute user-centric design).
  • Usability test: A usability test is employed to collect user feedback on what users find confusing or difficult about a product or service. A usability test involves answering questions like “How easy was it for you?” and “Was this functionality intuitive?” while using the software under test (SUT).
  • Workshop: A workshop with key stakeholders is typically conducted to align business objectives and critically understand target users as well as their journeys and pain points.
  • Proto-persona: Proto-personas are developed leveraging the insights from stakeholder workshops and user observations to direct user-centric outputs.
  • Heatmaps: Heatmaps are typically used to visually represent users’ interaction with a company’s interface. For example, heatmaps that document the number of clicks performed on an interface, or scroll maps that record users’ movement as they scroll down a company’s digital product.

Generally, most UX audit methods involve some form of metrics and materials gathering. This helps in the validation of results, data organisation, review of trends, reporting of findings and the creation of evidence-supported recommendations.

What’s included in a UX audit?

A UX audit is a process that includes a list of questions, guidelines and tools to help you understand your website’s user experience. It can be employed by anyone who wants to improve their website’s usability and accessibility. The following are some examples of what might be included in a UX audit:

User research and feedback analysis

User observations are performed during a UX audit to gain a full understanding of how a product is being used by real users to identify user requirements and pain points. Principally, this exercise to derive user observations ensures that the UX audit is evidence-led and user-centric.

Usability testing

Usability testing in a UX audit involves iteratively examining user interaction data to determine the UX design’s impact on, for example, user flows and navigation.

Usability testing, for the most part, ensures that UI components and design patterns meet user experience objectives and branding guidelines.

Heuristic evaluation

A heuristic evaluation methodically compares a digital product to industry usability standards to identify areas for improvement. During a heuristic evaluation, UX auditors evaluate a product whilst looking out for any heuristic issues using Nielsen’s usability heuristics as a benchmark.

Accessibility evaluation

Accessibility evaluation exercises revolve around ensuring a digital product is inclusive for all users. During an accessibility evaluation, auditors evaluate whether the colour palette, fonts, and components inclusively serve users with visual impairments. Or even whether the product enables users to flexibly switch between dark/light modes to accommodate users with sensitive eyesight.

Performance evaluation

This type of evaluation aims to identify any performance issues whilst customers interact with your products, and then make changes accordingly. You should also be able to determine whether or not these performance issues are affecting satisfaction or adoption rates for key features within the products.

How do you conduct a UX audit?

There is no standardised UX audit methodology, as most companies and UX professionals might approach it differently. However, the most common, depending on the product’s complexity, goals and scope, are:

Setting business goals and objectives

The first UX audit step is usually understanding the organisation’s motivation and goal for its digital product being audited.

This stage involves conducting stakeholder interviews with individuals at the organisation with a vested interest in the product. For example, product managers, software developers, marketers, and/or customer service representatives, etc.

Define user personas

The next step is to get to know your users by creating user personas. In practice, user personas are essentially fictional users created by UX teams to better understand their customers.

Fortunately, some organisations may already have user personas informed by data gathered through surveys or other customer touchpoints.

Understand user objectives

The next stage is typically turning the user personas and insights into user flows. These user flows will help establish the user’s objectives across different parts of the product whilst describing their steps to get there. This process will consequently help to identify where a user might encounter usability challenges.

Collect and analyse data

This stage typically involves tracking the product’s performance to provide indisputable, quantitative data about users interacting with the product, and even understanding what they’re doing while using the product.

Complete a heuristic evaluation

UX auditors take insights garnered whilst creating user personas and assessing user objectives to try to accomplish a series of tasks to meet their objectives. Throughout the heuristic evaluation process, they take notes and screenshots detailing each user challenge or pain point encountered.

Document findings

After heuristic evaluation, UX auditors compile the findings and make recommendations to the organisation or broader team. This single UX audit report should possess insightful analysis and practical recommendations to guide the future development of the digital product.

Make recommendations

As already mentioned, UX audit findings are usually condensed into a technical document that concisely relays results to the client as well as a series of actionable recommendations, with detail on how each recommendation can be implemented to meet business objectives.

creating a UX strategy

Photo by Fabian Wiktor

UX Audit checklist

To have an effective UX audit exercise, your UX audit checklist should tick some of the following boxes:

  • The business should have both long-term and short-term UX goals.
  • Have a clearly defined, regularly reviewed UX strategy with goals, a vision and a plan.
  • The organisation should have a high level of understanding of UX.
  • The organisation’s leadership team should have a high level of understanding and support of UX.
  • The business’ key values should be consistently communicated across user touchpoints.


UX audits are a great way to improve your product or service.

UX audits should be treated as health checks that help you identify areas that need improvement and ensure they are addressed before they become a problem for your users.

A good UX audit will also help you get feedback on the design of your app from real users, which is an invaluable resource for any business owner or designer.

If you’re serious about improving your product or are planning to introduce new functionality, we recommend conducting user research or hiring a third party to thoroughly evaluate your product or application. However, if you decide to conduct a UX audit yourself, consider the following:

  • Using a questionnaire to gather information from your users.
  • Using a checklist to gauge the usability of your product or service.
  • Checking customer satisfaction with the product or service, and making changes if necessary
  • Not reinventing the wheel but focusing on the most important usability elements.

Reach out to us at Netizen Experience for UX audits for your next project!