User Research

User Research Strategy, Tips, Insights, Methods, News & Guides

User research methods are targeted at understanding the needs and pain points of the potential users to create effective product/website designs. It incorporates using various user research tools, templates, questions, etc, to find information that facilitates the UX design process.

Wondering how to do user research for your project?

Netizen Experience, your trusted UX research consultant, has a pool of informative articles, guides, tips, reviews, and insights from experts in the industry. Read them here!

Remote UX Workshops: 10 Tips To Be Successful

Remote UX Workshops: 10 Tips To Be Successful

With a large majority of people working from home since 2021, we have had to find suitable remote solutions. Whether it's for meetings, projects, user research or just a quick catch-up. UX Workshops are now having to be done remotely as well, and design thinking...

Card Sorting: How Many Test Users Is Enough?

Card Sorting: How Many Test Users Is Enough?

Card sorting is a great solution when it comes to creating a reliable information architecture. A classic mistake we make is trying to structure the information architecture based on what we think is right, but this will not be the same as how users will want it to...

UX Research Tools List For 2022

UX Research Tools List For 2022

There is an abundance of UX research tools available in the market, so much so that we spend quite a bit of time figuring out which tools are the right tools. There isn't an ultimate UX research tool, and you may even end up purchasing UX research tools that have...


Recent Articles

Generative Research: All You Need To Know

Human-centred research should always be an integral component of any UI/UX design process than isolated from it. Furthermore, human-centred research approaches should always be flexible, allowing appropriateness to be the key determining factor in the selection of...

How To Do A UX Competitor Analysis?

UX competitor analysis is an effective methodology to gain a deeper understanding of one’s products, goals and target market.  It helps UX designers evaluate their competition in order to further improve their products, especially in a fast-paced landscape where many...

Creating Effective UX Personas: Best Practises and Strategies

User personas are one of the most functional UX methods for humanising and understanding target audiences.  They provide UX practitioners with a reference focal point for decision-making throughout the design process, based on the requirements, pain points, and...

What is Empathy Mapping?

Empathy is the psychological ability to emotionally relate to the feelings, experiences and thoughts of others.  In the world of user experience (UX) design, an empathic understanding of users is paramount when it comes to designing meaningful and influential...

UX Audit: All You Need To Know

In today’s dynamic and fast-paced technology landscape, it’s exceedingly challenging to maintain UI/UX design consistency, especially with multiple teams working on the same product. Fortunately, in a manner akin to financial audits, UX audits allow design teams to...